Tuesday 9 September 2008

Kylie Minogue would turn lesbian for..?

She has the whole of Australia and New Zealand talking at the moment with her shows sold out in transactions and the hype of her KylieX2008 tour arrival Pacific Shores growing exponentially with each passing clarence Day. Now the headlines read: �Kylie Minogue�s Lesbian Crush� and �Kylie Minogue wants to turn Gay�.

So what�s all this about? The Australian Pop Princess has reportedly revealed plans to become gay like the late screen fable Tallulah Bankhead saying she is ineffective to get hold the right kind of guy for herself. Thesun.co.uk reports that Minogue, 40, revealed she had a crush on the late Bankhead, wHO was bisexual.

��I�d go festive for her. She was a gripping and exotic woman. There was so much to admire around her. She lived life to the full, perchance a niggling too full. I want to button the internal Tallulah in me. God knows I can�t get a isle of Man - so maybe I should traverse over� Minogue said.

Bankhead was a contentious figure, her life embroiled in drugs and gender and she died in 1968 at the long time of 66.

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